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Frequently asked questions

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Questions & answers

Such a good and cheerful product, it may raise questions. Below we have listed most of the questions and answers for you. Below are the most frequently askes questions:

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About the face mask


[accordion title=”What kind of seeds are in it?” open=”no”]Among the rice paper are seeds from meadow mix. Think about asters, cornflower, coreopsis, gilia, gypsophila, dill.[/accordion]

[accordion title=”What is the protection factor of this oral mask? And has it also been tested?” open=”no”]This mask is as good a protector as homemade fabric masks. The masks have not been tested.[/accordion]

[accordion title=”Are these masks really completely biodegradable?” open=”no”]Yes, they are. And the earth and the bees are even very happy with these masks, because they are filled with flower seeds. Let’s make the world bloom again![/accordion]

[accordion title=”What materials are the different parts of this mask made of?” open=”no”]”The masks are made of rice paper filled with flower seeds and are produced in a Dutch sheltered workshop. The woolen cords are made of pure sheep’s wool that we have caressed ourselves (read: carded, spun, twined and washed once), therefore it may happen that you can still see a minuscule blade of grass now and then.

Due to high demand, we now also use wool from other Dutch sheep. This wool is machine-spun in Sweden, as the Netherlands no longer has a spinning mill. The little flowers with which you can make the cords to size: we punched them out of vegetable egg cartons. And how do the cords stay attached to the mask? Simply with glue based on potato starch and water. And to top it all off, even the ink for the stamped logo is biodegradable. Isn’t that nice?[/accordion]

[accordion title=”How many times can I wear the mask?” open=”no”]Officially, you can only wear a disposable mask once, but we all know that hardly anyone does that. If you do, it means that with a set of five masks you can wear them five times and then you have to order new ones (not a problem for us ;-). Furthermore, it is a bit up to your own caution, fold the mask neatly in half, because it is not preferable to keep the mask in your coat pocket where you also keep your keys…[/accordion]

[accordion title=”How do I unfold the mask and how do I wear it?” open=”no”]Handle with care! Handle with care. Just like we should take care of our planet :-). Should work. Pull top and bottom apart carefully, unfolding the mask. Place the mask in front of your face (the logo is on top of your right cheek) and place the straps around your ears. Now adjust the straps with the green rosettes until they are the right size. Finally, stroke your cheeks to flatten the edges and the mask will fit everyone perfectly. [/accordion]


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Other questions


[accordion title=”Why a biodegradable mask?” open=”no”]The earth and the ocean are littered with plastic disposable masks due to the pandemic. With all the harmful consequences that this entails. This makes us sad and we want to do something about it![/accordion]

[accordion title=”Can I return the mask?” open=”no”]Unfortunately, masks cannot be returned. Generally, a Marie Bee Bloom mask will look good with any color hair and eyes. If not, the masks can go straight into the earth and you will soon be able to enjoy them with the bees when they bloom.[/accordion]

[accordion title=”Who comes up with something like that?” open=”no”]That’s me! Marianne de Groot-Pons, graphic designer of Pons Ontwerp visuele communicatie in Utrecht. In all the years I’ve been working as a graphic designer, I’ve also polluted the earth with my designs for prints and packaging, so I want to do something back for the earth. At the same time, I want to bring the subject of ‘roaming and sinking disposable plastic and the ban on it from 1 July 2021’ back into the spotlight. After stumbling for weeks over all the blue disposable masks on the street, I woke up one morning with the idea of a biodegradable mask with flower seeds inside. Earth happy, bees happy, nature happy, people happy. I sell the mask under the name Marie Bee Bloom. Bloom the world! Bloom the world!![/accordion]

[accordion title=”Is your question not listed here?” open=”no”]Please contact us using the contact form or call Marie Bee Bloom on +31(0)30 307 2400.[/accordion]


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